Part 16: Man, that's a lot of redemption.
VigilantePrime posted:
Suddenly Lizard Wizard, Mage Mage finds himself in front of a bonfire. The world feels cold despite the flame, as if the energy had been sucked from the air itself. He knows not why he now walks in this realm, but he feels he must restore this energy, this fire, to the land. He embarks upon his journey. He heads to the north, through the inviting archways and crosses a tranquil pool. He marvels at the large raven he sees overhead, yet undaunted he continues on. Descending the staircase ahead of him, he is then stabbed by a skeleton and dies.
I'm not gonna rule out a Dark Souls LP at some point, but man I don't wanna think about a Dark Souls LP right now. Not that it wouldn't be awesome.
I could beat a damn skeleton anyway
Man, that's a lot of redemption.

Okay, they're gone. Now, as I recall, I've got work to do.

First thing I'll be crossing off my list is charity. Just gotta milk ol' Wadsworth dry...

...and lubricate this poor hobo's throat! You're welcome, hobo. You're welcome.

Next up, something I really should've done months ago: delivering that letter to Lucy West's family in Arefu.

As per usual, raiders infest the raised-roads that litter the wasteland.

I've heard of worse reasons to try out a weapon.

All right, pal, time to teach you a lesson you won't soon-

Holy fucking shit.

Redemption is FUN!

Okay, the whole punching thing doesn't work out so good against robots. Let's try a more unconventional method.


Good dog. Best bullet.

I wonder what this could be?

A cave, apparently. I wonder what goodies are inside!

Holy shit.

I'm findin' Vaults all over the place, here!

Huh. This seems a bit creepy.

Nowhere to go but in, I guess!

Electronic though they may be, these door panels still take a key, so, picky picky!

Computer, huh? Now we're talkin'!

Shame. Oh well, there's plenty of Vault to explore.



Leave my dog alone, man.

Now, let's see what else we can oh wait the place has gone all purple now. Hi, Dadddddsssssssss?

Sorry, did I come at a Dad time?

Ooh, this computer's not even locked. Fancy that.

Can't say as I've seen that OS before.

Now that sounds like a plan, purple world computer.


Annnnd everything's all normalways again. Fine by me, I guess.

Back to Vaultcrawlin'.

Awful lot of violent punks in here!

I know it's not exactly squeaky clean, but god do I love punching people into jelly.

Really not much to speak of except for some more jerks and this key I don't need.

Okay, just the one thing.

Oh, and I guess someone decided to run poison gas that'll drive everyone in the Vault insane because WHY NOT?

I think I should probably leave.

Back to the dusty ol' trail it is, then. And the robots.

Think I saw some buildings on this raised-road. And, well, the sign does say "Arefu".

Nice little place.


After a...mild misunderstanding, I speak to the local, er, vigilant old coot in town.

Long story short, they're being terrorized by some gang.

Even killed their horrible mutant cattle.

So I figure I may as well do what I can here. Everyone's too scared to come out of their homes, so first thing on the agenda is to check on everyone.

Morale is not high at the Ewers household.

Miss Schenzy is a bit less bitter. And hey, she raises a good point. Hell, I could probably handle this Family.

Oh yeah. I can deliver this letter now.


This is hardly ideal.

And I think shit just got a lot more serious. Need to gather a bit more information.

Wait, there's another?

Old man has a few ideas as to where the Family was hiding out. Some old railway station, and this cavern called Harrison's Hideaway. They travel at night, so he can't be sure which one is their nest. I think I see where this is going.

Just heading over to the train station first...

Oh, shit.

I'd forgotten about this den of slavery.

The guards, of course, are easily dealt with.

This level I finally top off my Small Guns and Energy Weapons, along with a healthy investment in Science. Now I can shoot with deadly efficiency even out of VATS! I also take Lawbringer as a perk, which will be mighty convenient for lightening my karma in a hurry. It'll come up soon enough.

Something tells me I shouldn't try to take on the whole base yet. I mean, I died like eight times trying.

Urgh. I had hoped to put it off, but I'm going to need to investigate me some more Metro Tunnels.

Nothing too bad here. But those barrels are a bit conspicuous.

Whoa, okay. Apparently these guys are working on some kind of superdrug? They can do what they want, but I'm not getting mixed up with that shit.

Okay, that's sketchy.

This bears investigation.

Okay, at least this whole pit isn't irradiated.

Let's see where it goes. From one patch of Metro to another, huh?

Just a matter of persistence with these godforsaken mazes.

And it looks like I'm on the right track. Turns out the Wests' son is with the Family, so I manage to talk my way past him.

Into the Family's den, then. He said Vance was their leader?

So, over this way, isn't it?

Might this be the holding cell?


Vance is a little upset, but it seems he's more than understanding of Ian's decision. That's a relief.

Now back to Arefu.

Ooh, some scrap metal. Walter will sure appreciate this!

Looks like I even get to clean up some trash on the way!

Huh. Her finger came off cleanly. Might as well take it. And there was this note, too. An invitation to join a group devoted to cleaning up the wastes, and coordinates for their base of operations. I think I'll mark that on my map.

Almost there.

It was a long, hard trek...

...but in the end, I think it was worth it.

At the moment, I've got a guy to see about some scrap metal.

Hey, whatever I can do to help.

That Regulator place should be just north of Scrapyard so oh goddammit.

This place.


With raiders.

And hey, more fingers. How 'bout that.

Oh, there's the Regulator place. It's a bit...smaller than I imagined.

I think I know just the place to get some more fingers, too.

Been meaning to clean this place out.

Just gotta keep my distance and pick them off,




Well now. Looks like they've wrangled themselves a Behemoth.

Hang on, I've got an idea.

Now to just lure him out...

There we go. He's comin'.

Man, I LIKE mines.

And now for the coup de grace.

Take that.

Now to work my way into their inner sanctum and JUSTICEJUSTICEJUSTICE.





Hey, cool gun!

Justice right through the bars, baby.

Huh. What an odd little...grenade?

One day I'll be back for you, Fat Man. One day.

Man I feel good about myself now. I'm gonna go work my way over to the Jefferson Memorial now.

Doin' some good,

Punchin' some guys,

Doin' some good,

Punchin' some bears,

Doin' the scorpion ra-aaaag.